Memorial Bench Program

About the Memorial Bench Program
The Memorial Bench Program provides a special way to honor a loved one, celebrate a special event in your life, or honor a person or organization that has made a difference in the community.

  • The price range for a bench is $1,200-$1,400 based on bench style and location. The price includes installation and an engraved plaque.
  • Plaques are 2 inches by 8 inches and have a three-line, 50-character limit. 
  • Bench style and placement will be determined by the City based on current need. Benches will be placed in the Downtown Business District.
  • Benches will be ordered upon verification of payment.
  • Benches will be installed as weather permits.

Memorial Bench Application

For more program details or to purchase a memorial bench, view the Memorial Bench Program Information and Application document.