Together We Thrive: Harvest Your Abundance

This Together We Thrive blog post was written by Lebanon-based Life and Leadership Coach, Beth Conger, CPC, ELI-MP

Are you someone who is always pining for what others have, rarely feeling fulfilled; that you will never have enough, that you aren’t enough? Or, are you someone who is living a life of peace and joy, fueled by a mindset of abundance – I have enough, I am enough, there is plenty to go around? 

A mindset of abundance is born from a deep inner sense of security and self-worth – you are filled with gratitude and love of self and a peace and openness for all those around you. With an abundance mindset, you are able to be truly happy for others’ success because jealously is no longer part of your m.o. – people you used to view as competition, you now view as potential collaborators. You’re excited for all the possibilities life has to offer.

Sound like the mindset for you? Here are some starter tips to create this in your life. 

Wanting takes a lot of effort…
There was a time in my life when my entire mindset was one of lack. I was so in my head, that I was missing very real moments for me to be present and grow my happiness. And more than that, it left me feeling undervalued, dejected and tired. What a waste of time and energy! So it’s important to start with a self-assessment to understand where you feel lack and where you feel abundance across your life. Then, based on that assessment, ask yourself these questions: 

  • What patterns are you noticing – especially around a sense of lack? 
  • What do you think it causing those patterns? 
  • How’s this WANT holding you back? 

This is your starting point to growing your mindset of abundance. 

Grow your abundance mindset:
An abundance mindset starts with focusing on one or a few areas of your life that are rockin’. This detective work will enable you to focus on what exactly it is that creates this sense of abundance and how to incorporate that into areas of your life you’re currently perceiving as lacking. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to investigate

  • What are the areas of your life overflowing with abundance? 
  • What makes them this way? 
  • How can you apply that to those areas of your life where you’re feeling less fulfilled?

Nurture Your Abundance Mindset:
Nothing lasts if not practiced and cared for. Here are some tools to nurture your sense of abundance into not just something you think about once in a while, not just a habit you’re forming but a mindset – a deep-seeded belief a deep belief that there is more than enough opportunity, possibility, resources, gifts, experiences, love and joy for everyone.

  • Visualize it. What does a life with boundless abundance look like for you? Paint a detailed picture in your mind so you are clear on what you’re looking for. 
  • Affirm it. Every time you think it, write it, speak it, you toss it into the Universe, and the Universe responds in kind – seriously. Over the last few years, I’ve tossed a lot out into the universe I’ve been overwhelmed with the doors that have opened for me, the opportunities presented to me that are allowing me to live the life I want. So why not give it a try? 
  • Inspire it. You WILL have moments where thoughts of lack will creep in. Yup, just another reminder of just how human we all are! But when those thoughts arise, reframe it with a thought of abundance. 

So instead of spending so much time focusing on what you lack, it’s time to start taking stock of all that you are – the profound goodness that lies within. And when you share your abundant happiness with others, you’ll get it back in return – creating this ripple effect of abundant happiness that flows across all we encounter. Learn how to bring this all to life in my workshop, Harvest Your Abundance. Register today!